OUCH! ME KEMAAAAAAAAA!!! que primicia tener un zine recien salido del horno!!!!les presento a SKUNX COME BACK directamente desde TORONTO CANADA!!!... pero pq me pone contenta?! es que fue hecho por un conterraneo, amigo y colaborador de este blog tb!!
una vez Giovani, el editor, me cuenta q le dio ganas de hacer un zine despues de que empieze yo a reseñar zines aki en esta pagina comenzando a elaborar su propio zine, me alegro por eso ya q di un punta pie,nose si el se acuerda de que me lo dijo, pero bueno, yo me acuerdo y yo lo llevo en cuenta apoyandolo... asi que todavia le esta saliendo humos a este pan... y que tenemos por aca?! #1, junio del 2009, 21 paginas, exelente descripciones.
Antes que nada nos relata una cronica del concierto de OVER POWER, banda hardcore/oi de toronto junto a MATURE SITUATIONS con el estilo punk comentandonos como fue esa noche, entre birras, covers echos sin saber bien las letras, el publico tratando de ayudar pero
desafinando y empeorando la situacion y mas de Cocksparrer, cro-mags, the opressed en sus repertorios.
Luego esta edicion nos trae la version de STEPH de Devotchkas (la fundadora de la banda y ex vocalista de esta) de pq habia dejado la banda, ya que la mayoria de los relatos
de esta banda oi/punk solo relatan versiones de Elaine y Mande... dejando a la fundadora como segundo plano... este relato fue sacado
del blog de steph en myspace y cuenta una mini BIO sobre la banda y lo que realmente paso, es digno de darle un vistazo, ya que podemos sacar mejor conclusiones de pq murio una banda tan buena como era esta, en fin, steph nos cuenta q de nada nos sirve tener tanta pinta y makillaje si es que no hay actitud, y sin actitud cualkier banda muere,que fue lo que le falto a la banda al "expulsar" a steph, no creo que ella haya hecho esto por pichada con las chikas, sino q dio a ver su punto de vista con las demas tb
aunque ella sienta un poco de nostalgias de akella epoca, lo que nos relata fue la manera como la acuchillaron las demas de la banda por detras... algo medio injusto por asi decirlo, pero bueno, son cosas que pasan, pasa en la tele, pasa en tnt, pasa en devotchkas...aunque su presencia en la banda deja mucha añoranza... no es lo mismo sin ella.
Y pasando un poco por sudamerica, nos relatan dentro de una entrevista,a la escena CARECA de Brasil... su nacimiento, sus ideas, sus discordias, sus pensamientos, su politica, su apolitica?, sus divisiones, gangs marcando territorio, y como esta escena tan confusa por la prensa fue dando raizes bien fuertes en Brasil sobre todo en Sao Paulo, Rio, y el Sur brasileño... desde los dias en Inglaterra hasta involucrando a la pelicula Warriors, pasando por romper stomper y de como este tipo de cultura influencio de cierta manera a esta tribu callejera... vale la pena darle un vistazo para conocer un poco mas sobre bandas oi! y skinheads del Brasil, tambien comenta un poco sobre zines brasileros skinheads como "Linha de frente", "protesto suburbano", entre otros sites citados... nos hablan un poco sobre el DEZEMBRO OI! y el Rock of suburbs.
Hablando de Carecas, skinheads y mods... conocen a los sharpies???? no, no es SHARP y no tiene nada que ver con racismo o no... DIJE SHAAAAARPIESSSSS!!!! yo tampoco sabia kienes eran ellos, pero cuando me entere,
en melbourne y sidney pero esta gang fue desapareciendo rapidamente... un poco mas sobre ellos podes encontrar en http://www.skinsnsharps.com
Continuando con el zine, en las paginas siguientes nos presenta a la banda oi! NO TAG desde nueva zelanda, en los comienzos de los 80, con un poco de su discografia e historia.
Entre las entrevistas, destacan a comando suicida, (texto extraido de informativo inimigo)... asi que si van a comentar estupideces, mejor confien en los zines y lo que estas dicen, y si tienen algun problema con lo publicado ponganse en contacto con los editores ;) antes de andar alardeando y diciendo cosas por ahi.
Entre los libros reseñados nos recomienda "THE STORY OF OI!: A VIEW FROM THE DEAD-END OF THE STREET" x garry johnson...libro que estaba leyendo y me parecio
muy interesante saber un poco mas de la historia del oi!...
Para ir finalizando nos comenta sobre LPS Y EPS lanzados en el mundo, desde histeria oi! (BR), Alerta roja (ARG), oi! um grito de uniao (br), capitol kaos (New zealand), Indecent exposure (UK), nabat (italia) entre otros... despidiendose con un poco de propagandas, anuncios y una famosa foto de Gavin Watson del libro SKINS.
Para mas contactos con el editor del zine, por favor escribi a thelookouts@hotmail.com o entra a este blog con varios albums para bajar y unos cuantos libros para leer del mismo editor a http://www.skunxcomeback.blogspot.com
En fin! esperamos proximos numeros y todo nuestro apoyo desde este simple blog.
Ouch! it burns! what an honor to have a zine that just came out of the oven! I present you SKUNX COME BACK straight from Toronto, Canada. But why does it get me happy? It was made by a fellow, friend and contributer of the blog! Once Giovanni, the editor, told me he wanted to start a zine right after I started to make zines reviews, which led him to start his own zine. I am glad I have him that little push. I don't know if he remembers it though, but oh well, I remember. And what do we have here? the first edition of june 2009, 21 pages, excelent descriptions.
Before anything, he relates a cronic even from the OVER POWER show, a hardcore/oi! band from Toronto, and the punks from Mature Situations. Commenting how the night went in between beers, covers with out knowing the lyrics of the song, the crowd trying, out-tunning and worsing the Cock Sparrer, cro-mags, and the opressed songs.
This edition also brings an article about Steph from the Oi!/Punk band The Devotchkas (founder and ex vocalist of the band) explaining the biography of the band and why she left the band. Since in most of the interviews, and stories of the band are based on Elaine and Mande, it leaves Steph as an unknown band member. This text was taken of Steph's MySpace blog, explaining detail by detail what really happen to the Devotchkas. It's worth taking a look at it, getting a better conclusion why the band began and came to an end, explaining as well that having too much make up and being a fashion whore, with out attitude, any band won't last for too long. Steph was actually kicked out of the band, and complains in the article how can she be kicked out of a band that she form. I don't think she wrote this text because she still has beef with the ex members of the band, but more because she wanted to get her word out there (since they never gave her a chance). Even though she has some good memories from the days of the band, specially when they toured over Europe. Well, the band came to an end because she got stabbed in the back by the rest of the girls. It happens everywhere.. it happens on the tube, it happens on TNT, it happened to the Devotchkas. Leaving her out of the band, the Devotchkas were never the same again.
Jumping to South America, the zine also gives us a great interview with a Brazilian skin, giving detail by detail about the structure of the Carecas (Brazilian skinheads) scene. The rise of the cult, the ideologies, the politics (?), the divisions, the demarcation of territories between gangs, and the rise of the scene in the cities of Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, and the Southern cities of Brazil. From the days in England to the evolution of the film of Warriors, and even Romper Stomper, and how it influenced into the culture by this films. It's worth reading it and get to know some of the Oi! bands and skinheads from Brazil. It also talks about the zines in Brazil such as "Linha De Frente" (On The Front Line), "Protesto Suburbano", and others. The editor also talks about 'Dezembro Oi!' (Brazilian Oi! Fest) and 'Rock of Suburbs'.
Speaking of Carecas, skinheads, and mods... have you ever heard of the Sharpies? No, not SHARP, and it has nothing to do with racism. I said SHARPIES! I, my self did not know about them. It's about a subculture that was born and died in Australia, sons of the skinheads? At least they were very similar to them, and from working class neightborhoods. They were pretty tough, they looked like skins, but instead of shaving their entire head, they had a mullet in the back. The girls looked exactly the same as a skingirl, the only difference was that they wore more colorfull clothing than them. The Sharpies were originally from Melbourne, but they had some gangs in Sidney as well. If you want more information about them visit www.skinsnsharps.com.
Continuing with zine, flipping to the next page. There's a an article on the Oi! band from New Zealand called NO TAG. Formed in the early 80's, and the editor gives us a bit of their biography as well their discography.
In the interview section, it brings us an interview with Comando Suicida (extracted from Informativo Inimigo zine). So if you are going to talk trash, you best read the zines first and see what it says. And if you have any problem with the publication, then get in contact with the editors.
The zine also brings us a review on the book 'THE STORY OF OI!: A VIEW FROM THE DEAD-END OF THE STREET' by Garry Johnson. A book that I was reading and I found it very intresting knowing more about the history of Oi!.
Finishing off, it recomends about LPs and EPs from all over the world. Bands like Histeria Oi! (Brasil), Alerta Roja (Argentina), Oi! Um grito de Uniao (Brasil), Capitol Kaos (New Zealand), Indecent Exposure (UK), Nabat (Italy), and others. Closing the zine with an advertising page and a picture of the famous photographer Gavin Watson from the book SKINS.
If you would like to get in contact with the editor, please write him to thelookouts@hotmail.com or check his blog with various albums and books to download http://skunxcomeback.blogspot.com. Well, we hope to see more editions comming out of him, and has all my support!